Bot Factory

A bot factory is a Volity entity which creates and operates retainer bots upon request.

RPC Requests

volity.new_bot (URI, table)

Request a bot from this factory. The URI refers to a bot algorithm; the table is a MUC for the bot to join. (The bot can presume that the RPC's sender is the table's referee.) This returns the full JID of the bot, once the bot has successfully connected. If the URI is not one that the factory supports, this returns an error.

The parlor may also respond to various admin RPC requests.

Service Discovery responses

The disco#info of a bot factory looks like this:

The identity should have category "volity" and type "factory". The name field will hold a brief title of the factory, suitable for display as a window title or icon label.

The URI of the ruleset of the game this factory's bots can play.
Version number of the ruleset.
A headline describing the factory.
Human-browsable URL for the factory's website.
1 if the table is visible via the bookkeeper; 0 otherwise.
Factory administrator contact.
Factory administrator contact.

Note that some elements (ruleset, ruleset-version, description, website) are representative of the game or its ruleset. Others (contact-jid and contact-email) represent the entity which hosts the parlor.

To determine the algorithms offered by a factory, do a disco#items query to node "bots". This will return a list of items whose jid is the factory, whose node is an algorithm URI, and whose name is a human-readable bot program name.