Why should Volity clients use SVG?

On the Volity list, Doug asked:

 From: Doug Orleans <xxx>
 Subject: [Volity-devel] SVG pros & cons?

 I was reading up on SVG a bit last night, and once again was daunted
 by the idea of making a game GUI without high-level support for things
 like buttons, menus, and windows.  SVG does seem to have a lot of neat
 things: scalability, style sheets, different scripting languages,
 etc. (one day I'd like to try scripting SVG with Scheme).  But I'm
 still a little unsure how these benefits weigh up against just
 making GUI applets in Java with Swing.  I asked Jason last night, but
 he told me to ask him again when he was more awake.  So here I am
 asking in public so he can enter his opinion into the record.  :)
 (Or if anyone else wants to chime in, feel free.)


  1. Doesn't require Java (Not That There Is Anything Wrong With It)
  2. Declaritive not imperative

Making Widgets Hard?

Yeah, we probably will have to make some of them ourselves. There are already fill-in forms. We don't expect any harder then doing so in HTML.